Thursday, February 11, 2010

6 Days and Counting

It's 12:06 a.m. on Friday, February 12th. So, if my math is correct, there are 5 more days til I leave Virginia, 6 more days til I leave the east coast, and 13 days (ish) til I'm officially in Wellington, New Zealand. There has been a lot of thought and prayer and CRAZINESS to this trip, and I am finally to the point where I'm very very very excited. Things were pretty stressful up until now, but this trip has been a long time coming and I cannot wait to see what actually happens. I will be traveling with 3 amazing guys, and meeting up with several other amazing people over there. And, I will undoubtedly be meeting some new amazing people once we get there and settle in. God has orchestrated all of this so far, and I am whole-heartedly depending on Him not only to get me through the next year but also to help me have the overly-used cliche "adventure of a lifetime."

For those of you who will be following along on this journey with me via blogging or skype or whatever, just know that I will miss you all back home. Adventures are fun, especially when there is a home to come back to. I would not be able to leave home without knowing that there will be love there when I return. Your prayers and support are welcomed with open arms, and I'm sooooo excited to be able to share this with you. I will be thinking of you all as I step out into this great new adventure. Happy trails!

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